Saturday, October 22, 2016

What is Air Turbulence and is it Actually Dangerous?

If you are a frequent flyer, we don't need to tell you what air turbulence feels like. You might want to know what causes it, or are worried as to whether it is dangerous ... whether it can bring down the aircraft or cause it to explode.

FAA Air Turbulence Stats

In 2013, 24 people (11 passengers and 13 crew members) were injured in turbulence-related incidents in the United States. Not a big number as such, considering that over 600 million people fly in the US every year.

Flying After Surgery

Air travel within days of surgery may pose several risks to your body. Hence, medical practitioners and airline companies do not recommend air travel for recently operated patients.

Every surgery, no matter minor or major has a specific recovery time. You are asked to take certain precautions during this period. This healing period largely determines the success of the surgery. One of the most common instructions that the recently operated patients are given is avoiding air travel. The period for which you should avoid flying after surgery is dependent upon the type of the surgery. It may range from 24 hours in case of minor surgeries to 3 months, in case of major invasive surgeries.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

History of the Ferris Wheel - Theme Parks

Riding on a Ferris wheel is a thrilling experience for each one of us. But have you ever wondered about the history of this classic invention? Here are some mind spinning facts about Ferris wheel.

"Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth, put out my hand, and touched the face of God." 
- John Gillespie Magee, Jr

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Physics of Roller Coasters

A theme park or an amusement park is usually visited by many for the simple reason that it has a roller coaster. In this article, you will understand the physics of roller coasters.

People, especially children, like the thrills involved in the roller coaster. First designed by Mr. Lamacus Adna Thompson on 20th Jan, 1885, the mechanism of this ride contains a special railroad system with tracks and cars or bogies. The interesting part of it is that the track need not be a circuit, but with pre-prepared patterns, the riding on which causes the thrill in the entire operation. To know more about the physics of roller coasters, read the paragraphs ahead.

List of Disney Parks Around the World

The name Disney undoubtedly brings in front of our eyes visions of a dreamy and fantastic world that makes all kids overjoyed. So for all those tiny li'l Disney fans, Buzzle lists out how many Disney Parks are there around the world and also a map of the locations.

"Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America, with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world."
― Walt Disney