Friday, September 9, 2016

Famous Rock Formations in the World That'll Leave You Awestruck

Natural rock formations take place as a result of different kinds of chemical and physical processes. Some of the patterns and shapes present breathtaking views to the eyes. Here's a closer look at some amazing rocks.

Quick Fact!

Metamorphic rocks do not contain fossils in them. During the process of formation of metamorphic rocks, temperature and pressure rises to a great extent. The high temperature and pressure thus destroys any fossil present inside these rocks.

Wind and water resulting erosion are among the important modes of rock formation. Rocks are primarily classified into sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks. Some amazing rock formations that we see today have formed as a result of years of chemical activity, erosion, volcanic activity, and the likes. Rocks that are formed as a result of crystallization of magma emitted from volcanoes are known as igneous rocks. Sedimentary rocks are formed as a result of accumulation of sediments. These sediments, in the course of time, become dense and turn into rocks. Metamorphic rocks are formed as a result of metamorphosis, i.e. transformation. Such rocks are formed either from sedimentary or igneous rocks. The sedimentary and igneous rocks are subjected to pressure and heat; as a result, they get transformed into metamorphic rocks.

Ten Famous Rock Formations

A list of some of the well-known rock formations from around the world...

Giant's Causeway : Antrim County, Northern Ireland

► This place is characterized by polygonal basalt columns. These basalt rocks were formed 60 million years ago as a result of volcanic eruptions.

► Sea spleen wort, frog orchid, and sea fescue are some of the notable plants found near this place. Many different birds including the petrel, shag, fulmar, redshank, cormorant, guillemot, and razorbill are found in the region surrounding the Giant's Causeway.

► Apart from their columnar shapes, its other notable features are The Chimney Stacks and The Giant's Boot.

Devils Tower : Crook County, Wyoming, USA

► It is agreed upon by geologists that the Devils Tower rock was formed as a result of molten magma getting trapped into rocks surrounding it. However, the exact or rather the entire process which led to the formation of a huge rock such as the Devils Tower remains unexplained.

► The furrowed appearance of this rock is attributed to the process of contraction, which took place at the time of cooling of the magma. The Devils Tower rock attains red color due to the oxidization of minerals.

► The Devils Tower was declared as the first national monument of USA by President Theodore Roosevelt.

Wave Rock : East of Hyden, Western Australia

► The Wave Rock takes form of a giant wave, 14 m high and 110 m long. It is over 2,700 million years old.

► This natural rock formation is an example of a 'flared-slope'. Such kind of rocks are generally found near bornhardts and inselbergs.

► Wave Rock was formed as a result of erosion of the softer layer of rock which lies beneath its hard, upper edges. This rock is a granite rock.

Percé Rock : Percé, Quebec, Canada

► Percé Rock was named so by Samuel de Champlain, owing to its pierced appearance. The entire rock resembles a giant lobster claw.

► This rock formation is dated back to the Devonian period. It means, Percé Rock is over 400 million years old.

► The estimated weight of this rock is 5 million tons. It is formed of shale and reddish limestone.

Delicate Arch : Arches National Park, Utah, USA

► The 20 m-tall 'Delicate Arch' is one of the major tourist attractions in Utah, USA.

► This 'Entrada Sandstone' rock is formed by weathering and erosion. The other rocks surrounding the Delicate didn't attain the spectacular shape though.

► The White-throated Swift make nests in the arch of this rock formation.

Fairy Chimneys : Central Anatolia, Turkey

► These rocks are formed from the lava of Mount Erciyes' volcanic eruptions. These volcanic eruptions took place in 253 BC. The pillar-shaped rocks that were formed as a result of the eruptions got eroded in due course of time by water and wind. The erosion led to the formation of rocks that resemble fairy chimneys.

► The natural rock formations of Pasabag were carved to create houses, monasteries, and churches.

► The Cappadocia region of Turkey holds historical importance. The Persians, Hittites, Byzantine, and Ottoman Empires, and Alexander the Great, have all ruled this region.

Queen's Head : Wanli District, Taiwan

► The rock is named so because it resembles the profile of England's Queen Elizabeth.

► Erosion due to wind and water has caused the rock to take its current form/shape. Since the upper portion of this rock contains sandstone (rich in calcium), it has resisted erosion far more effectively than the lower portion.

► This natural rock formation is almost 4,000 years old. The estimates about the age of this rock were made on the basis of average elevation of earth's crust in the northern region of Taiwan.

Spider Rock : Near Chinle, Arizona, USA

► Formed from sandstone, Spider Rock rises 229 m above the canyon floor.

► Spider Rock was formed 230 million years ago.

► The Navajo people lived in this region. They built caves in the cliffs of such rocks. Living in caves at such a high altitude protected them from flash floods as well as enemies.

The Wave : Coconino County, Arizona, USA

► The U-shaped troughs are the characteristic feature of The Wave. This Navajo Sandstone rock formation dates back to the Jurassic age.

► There are 2 major troughs found in The Wave rock formation. One of the troughs is 19 m wide and 36 m long. The other trough is 2 m wide and 15 m long.

► The region in which The Wave lies is part of the Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness.

Golden Rock : Mon State, Myanmar

► The height of Golden Rock is 7.6 m and its circumference is 15 m. This rock is situated at 1,100 m above sea level.

► It is amazing how the Golden Rock is balanced precariously on the edge of another boulder. Legend has it that the Golden Rock is perched on a strand of Buddha's hair.

► Golden Rock is famous for the pagoda, which is built on its top.

Rocks are formed through different processes which take thousands and even millions of years. In fact, rocks are continually subjected to different forces of nature. Thus, formation of rocks is an unending process and will always intrigue us forever.

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