Saturday, October 22, 2016

What is Air Turbulence and is it Actually Dangerous?

If you are a frequent flyer, we don't need to tell you what air turbulence feels like. You might want to know what causes it, or are worried as to whether it is dangerous ... whether it can bring down the aircraft or cause it to explode.

FAA Air Turbulence Stats

In 2013, 24 people (11 passengers and 13 crew members) were injured in turbulence-related incidents in the United States. Not a big number as such, considering that over 600 million people fly in the US every year.

Flying After Surgery

Air travel within days of surgery may pose several risks to your body. Hence, medical practitioners and airline companies do not recommend air travel for recently operated patients.

Every surgery, no matter minor or major has a specific recovery time. You are asked to take certain precautions during this period. This healing period largely determines the success of the surgery. One of the most common instructions that the recently operated patients are given is avoiding air travel. The period for which you should avoid flying after surgery is dependent upon the type of the surgery. It may range from 24 hours in case of minor surgeries to 3 months, in case of major invasive surgeries.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

History of the Ferris Wheel - Theme Parks

Riding on a Ferris wheel is a thrilling experience for each one of us. But have you ever wondered about the history of this classic invention? Here are some mind spinning facts about Ferris wheel.

"Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth, put out my hand, and touched the face of God." 
- John Gillespie Magee, Jr

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Physics of Roller Coasters

A theme park or an amusement park is usually visited by many for the simple reason that it has a roller coaster. In this article, you will understand the physics of roller coasters.

People, especially children, like the thrills involved in the roller coaster. First designed by Mr. Lamacus Adna Thompson on 20th Jan, 1885, the mechanism of this ride contains a special railroad system with tracks and cars or bogies. The interesting part of it is that the track need not be a circuit, but with pre-prepared patterns, the riding on which causes the thrill in the entire operation. To know more about the physics of roller coasters, read the paragraphs ahead.

List of Disney Parks Around the World

The name Disney undoubtedly brings in front of our eyes visions of a dreamy and fantastic world that makes all kids overjoyed. So for all those tiny li'l Disney fans, Buzzle lists out how many Disney Parks are there around the world and also a map of the locations.

"Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America, with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world."
― Walt Disney

Best Amusement Parks in America

What can be a better idea to have fun with the entire family than taking a trip to an amusement park? Check out he best amusement parks in America to decide which one to hit the next time you plan a family outing.

Before machines the only form of entertainment people really had was relationships.

~ Doug Coupland

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Fastest Roller Coaster in the World

Roller coasters have been introduced for our sheer entertainment, however, some are made to purely freak us out. Let's take a look at the fastest roller coaster existing today.

The thrill and excitement left on one's face after a roller coaster ride is truly priceless! Thrill seekers and coaster enthusiasts are always on the lookout for new high-tech coasters, that will blow the wind off their sails. 

The sharp turns, high g-forces, descends, etc., conduce to an ultimate adventure experience. Scores of architects and engineers are constantly coming up with faster, taller, and better coasters, to give riders the ultimate roller coaster experience.

The Infamous Death of Debbie Stone at Disneyland

Disneyland, the happiest place on Earth, has a few dark tragedies, and the most ghastly, which was suspicious as well as fodder for urban legends belonged to Debbie Stone, a hostess, who tragically died in 1974.

When asked how he conceived the idea for Disneyland, Walt Disney once said he imagined there ought be an enchanting place for parents and children to have memorable times together, but this tangible tale is more complex. Enchantment can be a fatal job, and at Disneyland, the formula for making dreams come true includes not only pixie dust and fascinating props and rides, but the arduous work of very mortal beings performing in a risky world where sometimes, things go gravely wrong. And that is what happened to a promising young girl on the verge of having the world at her feet, her dreams were cut short on that fatal day, and no one will ever know what really happened whether it was a fatal mishap or sheer negligence. The death of Debbie Stone is the sole fatality of a Disney cast member till date.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Here are 7 Really Nice Family Vacation Spots That You Can Visit

On the lookout for the perfect family getaway to enjoy your vacations? Look no further! Choose your picturesque holiday destination from the nice family vacation spots enlisted in this post.

Family vacations are an ideal way to unwind, and they offer a much-needed break from our hectic schedules. Going on a holiday can prove to be an exciting experience for the entire family. After all, everyone wants to spend quality time with their loved ones and more so if it is somewhere far away on a serene island or a golden beach. This is all the more true for the kids who really look forward to these outings. However, to make sure that a vacation turns out to be truly memorable for you and your family, you need to plan everything well in advance. Needless to say, the first thing you need to decide upon is the vacation spot. Zeroing in on a holiday destination can be a tough job, given the many options available. All the same, here are some nice family vacation spots to make it easier for you to choose one.

The Importance of Family Vacations And Traditions You Can't Ignore

Beyond a booming professional and social life, what man needs is something of substance and integrity - a family. This Buzzle post highlights the importance of family vacations and traditions.

The Impact of Family Vacations
A 9-year study conducted by the American Psychology Association (APA), in Nov. 2013, revealed that people who spend time with their families on vacations were almost 30% less likely to die from a heart-related disorders as compared to people who did not take family vacations.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Take a Hike: The Easy, Inexpensive Way to Enjoy the Outdoors

Taking a hike can be as easy as a short walk in the woods by your home or as complex as a multi-night backpacking trip. But on every occasion, a few key pieces of equipment can make it a fun experience.

For those looking to get outdoors, but without the time or inclination to plan an extended camping trip, a simple hike in the woods can be just the thing to help commune with nature. While a hike can be as simple as throwing on some shoes and taking a walk in the woods near your house, those who want a little bit more exertion and adventure don't need to do too much more to have fun outdoors.

Hiking Necessities

This article, intended for the beginning hiking enthusiast with a desire to attempt more challenging hikes, describes why water, food, and trail maps are indispensable on any hike and suggests some things to consider when getting ready to hit the trail.

A Little Planning Goes a Long Way

If you are a beginning hiker, you are probably sticking to short, easy hikes that can be managed with little to know prior planning. One of the wonderful things about hiking is that it allows you to spend time in a natural setting while getting good exercise, but it can be done spontaneously and doesn't require a big commitment of money or time. However, if you are enthusiastic about hiking, you may find that you are interested in longer, more challenging hikes as you build endurance and continue hiking regularly. As intermediate to advanced hikers know, a little planning and careful packing can go a long way toward ensuring that longer hiking days turn out well.

Things to Do While Hiking

Summers are here and this is the time to go hiking in the woody countryside! Read about various things to do while hiking from the following article.

There is nothing like walking to get the feel of a country. A fine landscape is like a piece of music; it must be taken at the right tempo. Even a bicycle goes too fast.
~ Paul Scott Mowrer

Hiking Gear for Short Day Hikes

If you are planning to go on a short, one day hike to satiate your craving for adventure, the hiking gear checklist provided below will help you make sure that you don't goof up on things that you need to carry along.

Hiking, irrespective of whether it is a one day hike or of a longer duration, can be great fun; but only when it is not marred by accidents. Even though it does not guarantee being cent percent accident free, being well prepared does ensure that the chances of some unpleasant incident ruining your outing are minimal. You need to understand that there is some difference between a hike and a picnic, with the former demanding planning well in advance and due importance to the equipment that is to be used.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

How to Choose Proper Trekking Poles

This article will help you in picking the right trekking pole. You will need to consider the shaft material, grip of the pole, locking-system used, etc., before you buy one.

A trekking pole is one of the most-used equipment by trekkers, hikers and backpackers. They are used to increase your stability and act as a scaffolding on any track. It is a must-have in your trekking gear.

Hiking and Camping Tips

Hiking and camping can be delightful experiences, if you understand nature, and enjoy the summer. Here are a few essential hiking and camping tips that might prove valuable not only for an enthusiastic hiker, but also for a novice.

Summer is the time when most of us love being outdoors. When outdoors, hiking or camping are two fun activities that make you appreciate nature and are best-suited for summer. You are close to nature; where you fall asleep under the dim moonlight and wake up to the sound of birds chirping. You can go hiking in the mountains and camp out on a flat hilltop, or in the woods by the riverside. But first, you need to take a few precautions.

The Incredible Rock Formations of the American Southwest

Are you a hiker? If so, you obviously have a love and appreciation for the wonders of the natural world. For your next hiking adventure, why not make a trip to the amazing rock formations of the American southwest?

By Earl Hunsinger

History of Hiking

What is hiking? When did it begin? To know about the history of hiking and to go through some interesting facts about it, read this Travel Tourism article.

Do you love nature? Have you considered going for nature walks? If your answer is positive, I am sure you will love to go hiking! What is hiking? It is an outdoor activity, which involves walking in the natural environment. It is regarded as a part of mountaineering, which consists of walking, trekking, and climbing mountains as also hiking. It is a popular sport in many parts of the world and a hobby for many sport enthusiasts. Apart from offering many health benefits, hiking also serves as an excellent means of recreation. Where did this outdoor activity originate? Since when has hiking been practiced as a popular sport? Let us find out.

Hiking Safety Tips

While hiking is no doubt one of those activities which trigger an adrenaline rush, lack of proper knowledge and overconfidence can turn your fun into disaster in no time. If you intend to keep any untoward incident at bay, here are some safety tips which will help you.

Get Into the Hiking Spirit With These Different Types of Backpacks

A good backpack means a lot more to a hiker than you would imagine. It is an ultimate relic of all the places you have been to; be it a stubborn mud stain from Appalachian trails or a rip while passing through a thorny forest, a hiking backpack endures it all for you. Here are insights of a hiker on different types of backpacks available in the market.

Desert Hiking Essentials and Safety Tips

Hiking in the desert makes for an entirely unique experience, a far cry from the usual mountainous terrains. There are some guidelines and safety tips that you need to keep in mind before you embark upon your hike, and we've listed them out for you in this Travel Tourism write-up.

Important tip!

Do not hike in the desert between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. The high temperature can cause several heat-related illnesses in hikers.

Top 10 Destinations for Desert Hiking

Deserts hold a special allure for all seasoned hikers. Keeping this in mind, we, at Travel Tourism, bring you a compilation of the best desert hiking destinations in the world.

It is a misconception that deserts are ill-suited for hiking. Deserts are picturesque, unique, and are perfect for those on the lookout for adventure.

12 of the Deadliest Hiking Trails Around the World

Hiking is one outdoor activity that is enjoyed by people all over the world. Some like peaceful and slow hikes, while others seek thrill and adventure wherever they go. There are some dangerous trails in the world where only the bravest and passionate hikers would dare to go. In this Travel Tourism article, we tell you about some of the most dangerous and challenging hiking trails that you can consider experiencing.

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go."

- T.S. Eliot

Exclusive Things to Know While Hiking in Humid Climate

For avid hikers, every location has something to offer. Humid climate can present a challenge, especially in spring and summer. Read this Travel Tourism post to find out how to deal with humidity, and get the most out of your hike.

Brace Yourself for Some Incredible Appalachian Mountain Facts

That you don't find the Appalachian mountains in every single list of natural wonders of the world is definitely surprising. If you can't make sense of all this talk about declaring this mountain range a natural wonder of the world, these Appalachian mountain facts are meant for you.

We Have an Easy Answer as to What to Wear While Hiking

If you are wondering what to wear while hiking due to the unpredictable weather changes, here are some interesting tips to pick the right clothing gear.

True lovers of nature are always looking for ways to spend time amidst the greens. Hiking and camping are the ideal choices to refresh one's mood, while enjoying that adrenaline rush. However, before you set out on your hiking adventure, you must be well-equipped to handle various unforeseen situations that may arise. Apart from the basic essentials, the clothing that you opt for is equally important to ensure that your trip is safe as well as enjoyable.

You Asked We Answered! What to Look for When Buying Hiking Socks

It's natural for hikers to ignore the poor old pair of socks while shopping for their gear. Little do they know that the wrong kind of pair may cause a rather uncomfortable trek indeed. This Travel Tourism post brings you the best advice on buying the right hiking socks.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Learn to Manage Moisture While Hiking With Layers Like a Pro

On long hikes, moisture can be a problem. Whether the moisture comes from rain or due to your own perspiration, too much of it can cause discomfort, along with more serious issues. Read this Travel Tourism post to find out how to avoid these problems, and stay dry on multi-day treks.

Camping Checklist - Essentials for Camping

Camping checklist essentials, are a must when you are planning to go hiking or camping. Such a checklist is a ready reckoner for you to keep stock of the things you have packed and things you need to pack. It is a very good practice as then you are not stuck up in an emergency for the lack of a particular thing. In case you are going camping, here is what you might want to know.

Proper planning ensures a thrilling camping experience, and why not? It's not something you do everyday, do you? Generally, camping is fun, but things can go horribly wrong if you miss out on essentials for camping, or perhaps, you are skeptical about what is essential and what is not. Therefore, it is imperative to enlist camping checklist essentials. The following text will tell you what all you need for a smooth camping endeavor.

How to Set Up a Tent

A tent is a prerequisite when going camping or hiking. The following article will provide you step-by-step guidelines in pitching tents.

Tents have been used for accommodation since ancient times. It has been used by explorers, adventurers, for refugee camps, and also during emergencies. It is the most basic camping equipment and is also used, sometimes, by kids as a playhouse. Before choosing a camping tent make sure it is durable.

Here's How to Choose Camping as an Affordable Vacation Alternative

Occasionally, the circumstances of life dictate that we can't afford expensive vacations to far-off destinations. In those cases, camping is a great choice for family vacations. Not only is it very inexpensive if done right, it provides the whole family with an unforgettable outdoor adventure.

When the Yearly Vacation Can't Happen

In certain circumstances, some families may find that their usual vacationing plans are no longer financially feasible. Airplane journeys, hotel stays, and tourist activities require disposable income, and any number of events can threaten those extra funds. An economic downturn, a lost job, or a new, unexpected medical expense are just a few examples of reasons that a usual family vacation could turn into a non-starter. Financial difficulty, however, doesn't mean that life can't still be fun. No matter where you live, there are inexpensive vacation opportunities to be found.

Ideas for Camping Trips with Family

Spending time with family and friends seems like a privilege of sorts these days. But when time permits, there's nothing quite like camping trips with the family, so how about a few ideas regarding the same?

Some experiences just make for better experiences than others. Whether it's a long holiday, or a short camping trip, these are also some of those experiences which help create some of the best memories with the family. Given that it is time that you are looking to spend with your family, you would also want it to be as special and fun as it possibly could. What acts as an added advantage is the fact that a trip like this can also turn out to be one of the most economical little vacations that could be taken with the family. At the end of the day, that is the point anyway, right? It's about the time spent with each other that matters greatly. There is however one crucial factor, and that is, planning the camping trip well so as to be able to make the most of it, despite the short span of time of the trip by itself. Here are a few ideas that you could maybe use.

Advice on Buying the Best Camping Stove

As an item among other camping essentials, picking up a stove depends primarily upon its usage. For more tips on how to choose the best camping stove, read this Travel Tourism article.

Know that there is no single "best" stove out there. Your needs (and not product reviews) will decide what kind of stove you should settle for.

Reasons Why Camp Friends are the Best Friends

Camp life is unforgettable - the memories you create, the experiences you share, and the friends you make, stay with you all your life. Camp friends are the best friends for numerous reasons. Relive those days through this Travel Tourism post.

"It's never long distance between friends."
― Sarah Dessen

It's Important to Know the Different Types of Tents for Camping

From the good ol' tepees to the very spacious trailer tents, camping gear has come a long way. Travel Tourism sheds light on the different types of tents used for camping.

While picking the right tent, do pay close attention to its size and bulk, material used, and ease of pitching before you factor in the cost. This will ensure that you have a sturdy and manageable tent, instead of a cheap, but complicated contraption.

Hilariously Funny Camp Prank Ideas That are Just Perfect

Pranks are meant for fun and amusement. You can have a good laugh with clean pranks and practical jokes during your camp, they will make camping more amusing and enjoyable.

Camping and pranks literally go hand-in-hand. Be it playing practical jokes on your friends, or having a revenge prank, they will definitely lighten up the entire atmosphere, and also create a lasting memory. Some pranks mentioned here are classics - innovative, clean, and funny.

You Should Really Read These Tips for Camping in the Rain

Does camping in the rain sound awful to you? not really... you can choose to be wet and miserable, or accept it as a part of camping and rather enjoy it.

Nobody likes if it rains when planning for outdoor camps. In fact, we cancel or reschedule camping trips due to rain. However, what do you do if it rains when you are already camping. Crib about the rain?... come on guys, rain is not that bad. Have you tried listening to the melodious sound that rain creates when raindrops hit the tent, the smell of the earth when it rains. Or imagine just sitting by the tent door watching the rain and sipping a cup of hot tea or coffee. You are liking it, aren't you? Well that's not all, snuggling in your bed in a cozy blanket at night is all the more fun when it is pouring outside. Let's look at the silver lining in the dark cloud and enjoy the camping experience, whether it is raining or not. Scroll down, it is really fun... you may want to thank me after that...

Saturday, September 10, 2016

10 Highly Useful Things to Know Before Traveling to Mexico

Mexico, one of the most visited countries on the planet, is both exciting and challenging at the same time. Here are a few things that you need to know before traveling to the 13th largest independent nation in the world.

"Everyone has seen photographs of Mexicans wearing those big sombreros. When you come to Mexico, the astonishing thing is, nobody wears these hats at all."
― Bruce Beresford

Think Twice Before Entering These Beautiful, But Dangerous Waters

Swimming or water surfing is what people love to do on vacations. It is indeed a great way of spending time. However, one needs to be aware of the dangers of waters before taking the plunge.

27 Super Easy, Hassle-free Travel Tips for People With Diabetes

As a diabetic, do you need to restrict your vacation activities and plans? If you plan well and take some precautions, it might not be necessary. This Travel Tourism post provides some great travel tips for diabetics.

Life is not over because you have diabetes. Make the most of what you have, be grateful.
―Dale Evans

Here's How to Get Easy Internet Access While Traveling

Are you one of those who feels incomplete in the absence of the Internet while you're on the move? Welcome to the club, pal. We, at Buzzle, can completely identify with your plight; which is precisely why we've brought you a few pointers that will ensure that the Web is always within reach.

7 Tips for Finding a Travel Companion With Whom You Can Connect

One cannot and should not make haste when it comes to choosing the right travel companion. It could be a potent recipe for disaster.

"A journey is best measured in friends, not in miles."
―Tim Cahill

5 Extremely Simple Tips for Choosing the Right Travel Mug

Want to enjoy your favorite hot beverage while on the go? A travel mug is what you should be shopping for, and Travel Tourism has all the tips you'll need to make a good choice.

If you're gifting a travel mug to someone, and are unsure if it seems too bland, you can try to make it personalized by printing the recipient's favorite imagery on it, or a nice quotation alluding to the occasion.

Reasons Why You Should Travel the World With Your Best Friend

Traveling alone is surely great and something that one should experience at least once in a lifetime, but traveling with your best friend is one of the best things that you can undertake. Filled with incredible fun and memories along with more ups and less downs, traveling with your bestie will prove to be a valuable experience and an adventure that you wouldn't have thought of.

Tropical Honeymoon Destinations

Having a tough time planning your honeymoon? A brief write-up on some of the most sought-after tropical honeymoon destinations will be of some help for you. Read on....

When it comes to life as newlyweds or just before marriage, one of the pleasant hardships you are bound to face is deciding where to go for the honeymoon. With so many amazing places to go to, you are bound to end up being spoiled for choice. The long list of honeymoon hotspots has seen a few additions over the last few years. With the inclusion of places like Hawaii, Maldives, Seychelles and Bahamas, the choice has become even more difficult.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Winter Honeymoon Destinations

All you couples who got married recently or are planning a Christmas wedding, here are some suggestions on winter honeymoon destinations that are sure to ignite those romantic sparks into infernos of passion when the rest of the world is all shivers!

Congratulations to both of you on your wedding (or upcoming wedding, whatever the case might be)! This is the greatest and most profound turning point of your lives! A marital union is something that everyone knows he/she would enter at some or the other point of his/her life. Most people have lots of plans regarding the big day and the ensuing romantic escapade, far from the proverbial madding crowd. A winter wedding, followed by a winter honeymoon is an excellent opportunity for both of you to have a romantic adventure, away from the familiar crowd! Here is a list of excellent winter honeymoon destinations in case you still haven't decided as to which place on earth would be perfect for you to initiate your lifetime of togetherness and commitment to each other!

Inexpensive Honeymoon Ideas

The inexpensive ideas for honeymoons mentioned in this article will help you enjoy this phase of your life without spending much. Have a look and take a pick.

Marriage is one of the most important relationships in the life of any individual. Everyone wants their wedding to be grand and extravagant, and hence a lot of money is spent on the same. Though there is nothing wrong in it, many times, couples are left with very little money to go abroad or to a lavish place for a honeymoon. For those people, here are a few ideas on how to have an inexpensive honeymoon.

Best Honeymoon Destinations in Central America

If you're looking for some of the best honeymoon destinations in Central America, this article would tell you about most of them. From the states that you can visit, to the destinations you shouldn't miss for anything, everything is listed in this article. Read on for some of the best romantic destinations in Central America.

Best Honeymoon Destinations in the U.S.

Are you searching for a super romantic honeymoon without having to leave the country? Then let us help you find the best honeymoon destination to kick-start your marriage...

Weddings can be a stressful time for both the bride and the groom. So, a honeymoon should be the exact opposite and give you two enough opportunities to relax, unwind, and spend romantic time with one another. When it comes to choosing a honeymoon spot, it's easy to get overwhelmed by the choices. Plus, if you're planning to find the perfect location in the U.S. (since you don't want to leave the country), the task can become slightly frustrating. Hence, we've got some ideas on perfect destinations for the newlyweds to enjoy.

Ideal Honeymoon Destinations

Neither of the two should solely choose where to go for the honeymoon. You two will be there with each other, right? Then why should the destination be opted single-handedly? Take some time out of the wedding preparations, sit down with this list, and decide on the destination together.

Aspen, Colorado

Aspen is a destination favored by adventure-loving couples who love winter sports like backcountry skiing, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, ice skating, and dog sledding. However, you don't necessarily have to visit Aspen during the winter. If you're looking to travel here when the weather's at its best, the months of summer provide gorgeous temperatures between 70s and 80s. There are many summer sports as well that you can take part in such as hiking (the Aspen Four-Pass Loop), llama trekking, river rafting, horseback riding, and mountain biking. Also, you can find the best prices on hotels, lodges, and B&B's here in the months of September and October. The months from November to March and July to end of August (peak travel times) are also suitable. Traveling around Aspen is convenient as you can easily rent a car, taxi, shuttle, or travel by bus. There are tons of restaurants, clubs, and lounges in downtown Aspen where cuisines from around the world are served. You can also enjoy the day going on jeep tours, hot air balloon rides, visiting galleries, or spending time shopping.

How to Plan for a Second Honeymoon and Spice Up Your Boring Life

It's been a decade since you got married and life has turned into a mundane routine. All you need is some fun to bring the old spark back into your married life. So why not plan a second honeymoon? Here are some fabulous ideas for it.

Children, job responsibilities, paying the bills and an endless list of household responsibilities. Gosh! You always knew these would be the side effects of getting married. Over a period of time, these activities have become so predictable that life doesn't seem fun anymore. A little of mental flashback and you will remember all those carefree youthful days when you and your spouse did nothing but have fun all by yourselves. Just take it easy, for things have not gone out of hand! Go for an exciting honeymoon and bring the old charm back to you marriage.

It's Time for a Second Honeymoon...

Here are some essential tips for planning your honeymoon.